
Our services

Regardless of where you are in the process, we’re here to support, advise and implement key strategies to ensure the success of your product.

Competitive intelligence

We at Erudite are a dedicated team involved in Competitive intelligence (CI) with an expertise in conducting extensive research and producing knowledge about the competitive environment to improve organizational performance. It involves the systematic research and analysis of information from multiple sources, and deriving actionable insights for the improvement of organizational performance. Our CI research, analysis and insights about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment will aid executives and managers in strategic decision making for an organization.

Market Research

We at Erudite are a dedicated team involved in Competitive intelligence (CI) with an expertise in conducting extensive research and producing knowledge about the competitive environment to improve organizational performance. It involves the systematic research and analysis of information from multiple sources, and deriving actionable insights for the improvement of organizational performance. Our CI research, analysis and insights about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment will aid executives and managers in strategic decision making for an organization.

Custom competitor intelligence tracking

Given the ever growing competition in any field, it has become highly imperative to keep abreast of the latest competitor trends and insights. While it is practically difficult to focus on competitor tracking alongside managing the business operations.. Our focussed and experienced research analysts at Erudite will be happy to help

Prioritization market intelligence

We at Erudite are a dedicated team involved in Competitive intelligence (CI) with an expertise in conducting extensive research and producing knowledge about the competitive environment to improve organizational performance. It involves the systematic research and analysis of information from multiple sources, and deriving actionable insights for the improvement of organizational performance. Our CI research, analysis and insights about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment will aid executives and managers in strategic decision making for an organization.

SWOT analysis

We at Erudite are a dedicated team involved in Competitive intelligence (CI) with an expertise in conducting extensive research and producing knowledge about the competitive environment to improve organizational performance. It involves the systematic research and analysis of information from multiple sources, and deriving actionable insights for the improvement of organizational performance. Our CI research, analysis and insights about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment will aid executives and managers in strategic decision making for an organization.

Research outsourcing

We at Erudite are a dedicated team involved in Competitive intelligence (CI) with an expertise in conducting extensive research and producing knowledge about the competitive environment to improve organizational performance. It involves the systematic research and analysis of information from multiple sources, and deriving actionable insights for the improvement of organizational performance. Our CI research, analysis and insights about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment will aid executives and managers in strategic decision making for an organization.

We will help you with

Industries we cover